Get started using your Mac:
- Mac basics: Using the Finder, your Home folder, System Preferences, using the dock, browsing the Internet, setting up & using e-mail with Mail or Entourage.
- Get one-on-one help learning how to make your Mac do what you want it to do; using applications such as Microsoft Office, iWork, iWeb, and Firefox.
- Sync your iPhone with your Mac, Address Book, iCal, & Mobile Me
- Set up peripherals: scanners, printers, monitors, speakers
- Backing up with Time Machine, Time Capsule, and external hard drives
- Putting a complete backup strategy in place for your system
- Protect your children: using parental control / filtering software
Support for all types of Macs: MacBook Pro, MacBook, iBook, Macbook Air, PowerMac G3, G4, G5, Mac Pro, iMac G5, Intel iMac, Mac mini, AppleTV, and all iPod types.
Network configuration & security:
- Set up and use a wireless Airport network in your home or office.
- Securing your wireless network, WPA, WPA2 vs. WEP.
- Add an Apple TV or Airport Express to your home entertainment system.
- Transfer files & settings from your old computer (Mac or PC)
- Smartphone connectivity: Blackberry, Palm, iPhone
Troubleshooting & Upgrades:
- Improve system performance, Repairing permissions in OSX
- Internet Connection issues: DSL, Cable Modem, FiOS
- Software updates: Applications & Mac OSX (10.4.x to 10.6.x)
- Troubleshooting issues with Mac OS9, OSX 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6
- Hardware upgrades: adding memory, Hard drives, DVD drives
- Running Windows on your Intel-based Mac (Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion)